Monday 21 October 2013

MISSONI (The original) by Missoni,1982.

Raiders of the Lost Scent

YEAR: 1982
Top: Bergamot, Hyacynth, Cassia, Aldehydes, Raspberry
Middle: Rose, Geranium, Ylang-Ylang, Iris, Jasmin
Base: Honey, Oakmoss, Civet, Amber, Patchouly, Styrax.
Longevity: at least 10 hours
Sillage Great.
Season: Autumn/Winter
Rating: 9/10

"When the colors become scents" "Do something colorful" " said advertisement from the Eighties.
Ah, those marvelous taglines: other times, other perfumery.

Among the very first to come out at the dawn of the "Italian Wave of Perfumery", in 1982 , along with Armani and Versace Era-making ones, Missoni was a wonderful feminine fragrance, today sadly forgotten.
"Sadly" because the very first original "Missoni" scent was a feminine really well crafted, and with exceptional quality ingredients . Described by some as "Chypre" , according to others as an " Oriental ", it was a scent that could well be on par with the greatest ones.
Rich, opulent, with lot of nuances, and very high durability and sillage. An almost endless drydown, enriched with patchouli, oakmoss and civet, used without saving anything. A classical scent for old-times "great ladies".
If you prefer sober scents, it's better you avoid this;  try it if you love the smell bombs. Caution: this is winter perfume, and much better suited for mature women.
Not to be confused with the perfume with the same name released in 2006.
To be re-discovered and appreciated, because it deserves a lot.
Rating 9/10


"Quando i colori diventano profumo..." 
Era una splendida frase di lancio: altri tempi, altra profumeria.
 Tra i primissimi ad uscire agli albori dell'Italian Wave, nel 1982, insieme alle corazzate Armani e Versace che fecero epoca, Missoni è stato uno splendido profumo femminile, oggi ingiustamente dimenticato.
Ingiustamente perchè il primo, originale Missoni degli anni Ottanta era un profumo femminile davvero ben fatto, e con ingredienti di ottima qualità. Descritto da alcuni come tipo chypre, secondo altri come "Orientale", era un profumo che poteva ben stare alla pari dei più grandi. Ricchissimo, opulento, dalle mille sfumature, con durata e sillage elevatissimi. Drydown pressochè infinito, grazie a patchouly, oakmoss e zibetto utilizzati senza risparmio. Un altro di quei profumi oggi scomparsi che fanno tanto "gran signora".
Da evitare se preferite i profumi sobri, da provare se adorate le bombe olfattive. Profumo invernale, decisamente meglio su donne mature. 
Da non confondere con il profumo omonimo uscito nel 2006; veramente da riscoprire, perchè è uno di quei profumi "che merita".

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent

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