Tuesday 12 November 2013

How to recognize BVLGARI Perfumes



Previously we recognized, batch-by-batch, year-by-year:
-GUERLAIN perfumes ( here )
-YVES SAINT LAURENT perfumes ( here )
-CHRISTIAN  DIOR perfumes  ( here )
-ARMANI Perfumes ( here
-CHANEL ( here )
Now we will consider another House: Bulgari

Bulgari Perfumes are difficult in putting a date, and it is impossible to get a sort of quick "batch-number table", so you have to consider each different situation, case-by-case. 
Why it's so difficult? Because there is a complicate way of coding.

Bulgari batch numbers use usually 7-or-8 digits, and apparently the code is unexplicable.
For example, here is a Bulgari batch number:


Don't worry! A solution exists!

First thing to do: check the THIRD digit from the left: is it a LETTER or a NUMBER?
1- if it's a letter, it means = since 2010
2- if it's a number, it means = before 2010.

first case: 
batch number is 10C63A1W 
is the third digit (starting from the left) a letter? YES
so: A =2010  B=2011   C=2012   D=2013
And what about months?
You must check the two numbers on left and right of that letter.
In this case : "0C6", the two numbers are : "06".
This means = June 2012

second case:
Batch number is 21A15AT1
third digit is -again- a letter: this is "A". 
so: A =2010  B=2011  C=2012   D=2013
This means year 2010.
two numbers on left and right are : "1A1" , so  "11"
this means = November, 2010.

and what about "before 2010"?
Things are very complicate now......
In this case, third digit is NOT a letter, but a number.

Pay attention:  reading the batch nuymber, you MUST arrive to the last "letter and number", and REMOVE this "couple", plus all following digits.
example:  batch code is A31517B3
(third digits is not a letter, ok, so it's before 2010....)
Now look carefully: the last "letter and number" is "7B". Now remove these two, AND all digits (i.e: remove 7B3).
now the batch will be: A3151
consider last three numbers : the middle is year, the edges are the month: it's "151"  = "5" and "11" = November, 2005.

Another case: 
batch number P10359PW2
(third digit is not a letter, so it's "before 2010"....)
check last "letter and number" (it is "9P"), and remove this couple and all following digits ( i.e: remove "9PW2" )
now the batch is: P1035
consider last three numbers: "035" , the middle it's year, the edges are the month: 
"3" and "05" = May, 2003

The most of Bulgari Perfumes was produced after year 1999, so, since numbers can repeat every decade, you should get an help knowing the year of launch, clues on the boxes, etc..

 At beginning it's difficult, with some practice it will be easy!


raiders of the lost scent
Bulgari Aqua for Man, Batch: P10976P1
Remove last  "letter and number" and following digits, i.e. "6P1";
new batch is P1097 now
Consider only last three numbers: it's "097"
Middle is YEAR, edges are MONTH, so = September, 2009

raiders of the lost scent
Bulgari pour Homme, Batch code is 10452C1
Remove last "letter and number" ( "2C" and following digits ),
new batch is "1045"
Consider only last three letters: "045"
Middle is YEAR, edges are MONTH:
so, it's May, 2004 

raiders of the lost scent
Bulgari Man, batch number: 01A26E2
Easy case: is the third digit a letter? Yes! it's "A", so it's 2010.
Numbers on left and right are 1 and 2, so, it's :
December, 2010

raiders of the lost scent
Bulgari Blv, Batch number is 00248AF1
remove last "letter and number", i.e.  "8A" and subsequent digits.
Now the batch code is: 0024
consider only last three numbers, it's "024".
Middle is YEAR, edges are MONTH, so: April, 2002

raiders of the lost scent
Batch number is 20191AF1
Remove "1AF1", new batch code is 2019
consider only last three numbers: "019"
Middle is YEAR, edges are MONTH, so: September 2001 

raiders of the lost scent
Bulgari Black, Batch number is : 00186V1
remove 6V1, new batch is "0018"
consider last three numbers: "018"
Middle is YEAR, edges are MONTH, so
= August 2001.

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