Sunday 3 November 2013

How to recognize GIORGIO ARMANI perfumes.


Previously we considered how to recognize, batch-by-batch, year-by-year:
-GUERLAIN perfumes ( here )
-YVES SAINT LAURENT perfumes ( here )
-CHRISTIAN DIOR  perfumes  ( here )
-VAN CLEEF et ARPELS perfumes ( here )
-CHANEL perfumes ( here )
-BVLGARI perfumes ( here )
-HERMES perfumes ( here )
-VERSACE perfumes ( here )
now we'll consider another great House: Giorgio Armani Parfums.

(Note: Giorgio Armani batch-numbers table was a bit complicate to decode, since early Armani perfumes are very rare to find nowadays: so, the list could not be 100% accurate, and some mistake could occur)

ARMANI Perfumes use a batch-code using both numbers and letters, 4 or 5 digits, restarting at the end of the alphabet.
First ARMANI perfumes dated to 1982. Batch-code style during 1982-1994 was a 4-digits one;
since 1995, a 5-digits one.

Are you in a hurry?
You can, as usual, check for Barcode on the box: if the Barcode is missing, it's means = "before 1991"
Otherwise, check for the "long list" of restricted ingredients: if you find it on the box, it means = "after 2004".

But, there are other clues:
Simply check the address on the box. If you read:
"137 rue FG du Saint Honorè, Paris."
it means from 1982 to 1991.
Congratulations! It's a Giorgio Armani vintage perfume, the oldest one!
OLD, early address: "nr. 137 Rue du FG St. Honore" 
(from 1982 until 1991)

During 1992 the address changes slightly, so, if you read:
" 129 rue du FG Saint Honorè, Paris "
it means from 1992 to nearly 1995
NEW address: "nr.129 Rue du FG St. Honore" 
(from 1992 until 1995)

Since the Mid-Nineties address is:
"16 place Vendome, Paris".
Since Mid-Nineties: address is "16, Place Vendome, Paris".

Other clues:
if you read somewhere on the box or bottle the word "COSMAIR":
("distributed by Cosmair", Cosmair was the old name of  L'Oreal USA),
it means from 1982 up to 1999.
Until 1999, dist. by COSMAIR

If you read (on box or bottle): "Giorgio Armani Parfums Division Luxury Products LLC"
it means after 1999.
Giorgio Armani Parfums Div. Luxury Products LLC"
(since 1999)

If you read somewhere in the box:
"distributed by Helena Rubinstein" (other than COSMAIR),
it's a very early bottle and it means from 1982 until 1988.

So, briefly:
1982 - 1990: Giorgio Armani Parfums,  137 rue du FG St. Honorè
1990- 1995: Giorgio Armani Parfums,  129 rue du FG St. Honorè
since 1995: 16, place Vendome, Paris.

1982 - 1999: distributed by COSMAIR
since 1999: Armani Parfums Luxury Product LLC

And now let's go to the:
Early Address:
"Giorgio Armani Parfums, 137 rue du FG St. Honorè"
dist. "by Cosmair" (and/or "by Helena Rubinstein")
UAxx   = 1982
UBxx   = 1983
UCxx   = 1984
UDxx   = 1985
UExx   = 1986
UFxx   = 1987
UGxx   = 1988
UHxx   = 1989
UJxx    = 1990
UKxx   = 1991
Here the Bar-code appears;
Here address changes to : " 129 rue du FG St.Honorè "
ULxx    = 1992
Here the GreenDot appears on the box.
UMxxx   = 1993 and shifting to a FIVE-digits batch code.
UNxxx   = 1994
here address changes in "16 Place Vendome, Paris"
UPxxx    = 1995
UQxxx   =  1996
URxxx    = 1997
USxxx    =  1998
UTxxx   =  1999
A new label: DIVISION LUXURY PRODUCTS LLC (distributor)
UVxxx   = 2000
UWxxx  = 2001
UXxxx   = 2002
UYxxx   = 2003
UZ        =  probably not used
UAxxx  =  2004
Here the "long list" of 26 restricted ingredients appears on the box.
UBxxx  = 2005
UCxxx  = 2006
UDxxx =  2007
38Exxx  = 2008
38Fxxx  = 2009
38Gxxx  = 2010
38Hxxx  = 2011
38Jxxx   = 2012
38Kxxx  = 2013


Nelle puntate precedenti abbiamo visto come riconoscere  i numeri di serie dei profumi 
-GUERLAIN ( leggi qui ) ;
-YVES SAINT LAURENT ( leggi qui )
-CHRISTIAN DIOR  ( leggi qui )
stavolta verranno presi in considerazione i profumi della Giorgio Armani Parfums.

Giorgio Armani iniziò a produrre profumi nel 1982, e per i primi dieci anni vennero prodotti solo due profumi: il cosiddetto "Armani Nero" da donna (in realtà non aveva nome preciso), e la "Eau pour Homme": due profumi leggendari che non hanno bisogno di presentazione. 
A partire dagli anni Novanta, invece, la produzione cominciò a diversificarsi. E' molto difficile recuperare i profumi Armani degli anni Ottanta, per questo la tabella dei codici potrebbe presentare qualche piccolo errore. 
Indizi preziosi sono gli indirizzi presenti sulla scatola e i marchi di distribuzione.

INDIRIZZI (riportati sulla scatola):
1982 - 1990 circa  : Giorgio Armani Parfums,  137 rue du FG St. Honorè
1991- 1995 circa: Giorgio Armani Parfums,  129 rue du FG St. Honorè
dal 1995 circa: 16, place Vendome, Paris.
1982 - 1999: distributed by COSMAIR
since 1999: "Armani Parfums Division Luxury Product LLC"

Indirizzo iniziale (sulla scatola o sul flacone):
"Giorgio Armani Parfums, 137 rue du FG  St. Honorè"
distribuzione. "by Cosmair" ( o anche "by Helena Rubinstein", solo dal 1982 al 1988)
UAxx   = 1982
UBxx   = 1983
UCxx   = 1984
UDxx   = 1985
UExx   = 1986
UFxx   = 1987
UGxx   = 1988
UHxx   = 1989
UJxx    = 1990
UKxx   = 1991
Intorno al 1991 compare il tradizionale codice a barre sulla scatola;
l'indirizzo cambia nel numero civico:  "129 rue du FG St.Honorè"
ULxx    = 1992
A partire dal 1992 compare il GreenDot sulla scatola.
UMxx   = 1993
UNxxx  = 1994
(a partire dal 1994 il batch number passa da quattro a CINQUE cifre, e il nuovo indirizzo è: "16 place Vendome")
UTxxx   = 1999
UVxxx   = 2000
UWxxx  = 2001
UXxxx   = 2002
UYxxx   = 2003
UZ        =  ???? (non utilizzato)
UAxxx  =  2004
Compare la "lista lunga" degli ingredienti sulla scatola
UBxxx  = 2005
UCxxx  = 2006
UDxxx =  2007
38Exxx  = 2008
38Fxxx  = 2009
38Gxxx  = 2010
38Hxxx  = 2011
38Jxxx   = 2012
38Kxxx  = 2013


OLD, early address: "nr. 137 Rue du FG St. Honore" 
(from 1982 until 1991)

Raiders of the Lost Scent
NEW address: "nr.129 Rue du FG St. Honore" 
(since 1992 up to 1995)

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Since 1992: Greendot appears somewhere on the box.

Raiders of the Lost Scent
year 1993: shifting from 4 to 5 digits .
Batch code UM123
(courtesy by Jason Newton)

GIO', batch code UP016 = year 1995
address: 16 Place Vendome

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Until 2004: SHORT list of ingredients, and...
Raiders of the Lost Scent
...after 2004: LONG list of ingredients

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Since 1994: address 16, Place Vendome.
UXxxx = year 2002

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Before year 2000, dist. by COSMAIR

Raiders of the Lost Scent
After 1999:  
Armani Parfums Division Luxury Products LLC

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(on back of the bottle) batch UH2A = year 1989

Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch UJ6L = year 1990

Raiders of the Lost Scent
on left: bottle from Eighties. Address 137 Rue St. Honore (and without Barcode)
on right: bottle from Nineties. Address 129 Rue st. Honorè (and with Barcode)
Both labeled "COSMAIR"

Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch number UG1K = year 1988
plus the label "Helena Rubinstein" (used only from 1982 up to1988)

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(shifting to 5-digits) First bottle of "Acqua di Giò",
year 1995, batch code UP052

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Acqua di Giò, batch UT124 = year 1999

Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch UX329 = year 2002

Raiders of the Lost Scent
 (after year 2003: restarting numbers by letter "A")
UA148 = year 2004

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Basenotes) batch UC149 = year 2006 

Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch code UC326 = year 2006
Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch UD325, year 2007

2007 to 2008: SHIFTING FROM "Uxxxx" TO "38xxxx
Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Basenotes) batch 38E = year 2008

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Basenotes) batch 38F = year 2009

(from Basenotes) batch 38H503 = year 2011

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Different boxes and different batch-styles
(Armani Eau pour homme)

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