Wednesday 14 December 2016

J'Adore by Dior (EdP reformulation, 2016).

Probably you have already heard the buzz: J'adore EdP was reformulated again in the autumn of 2016.
I would not want to say if it's for better (or worse), this time I wanted to check it according to the "fragrance formula trick" explained by Alberto Converano some time ago (here the original article) ...and I have to agree with, since I can smell a certain difference, and read a different "formula" at the same time.

Not enough, the packaging changed too, so it's quite easy to identify new and old formulations (at least with the EdP).
This is an useful trick when you suspect a reformulation in your favorite scent. Personally I suggest to check the "formula" written on the box regularly, at least with those brands using it (Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Lancome...)
(REMEMBER: a change in formula does NOT automatically means there is a change in aroma)
(the "formula" is the number written
on the box at the end of the list)


J'adore EdP (1999)
- before year 2005: without allergens, with formula "20426A"
- year 2005: formula 00741/A
- year 2008: formula 01905/A
- year 2011: formula 06671/A
- year 2013: formula 08713/A
- year 2016: formula 11057/A

J'adore EdP, year 2002 (without allergens)
formula 20426 A

J'adore EdP, year 2005 (with allergens)
formula 00741/A

J'adore EdP, year 2008, formula 01905/A

J'adore EdP, year 2013, formula 06671/A

J'adore EdP, year 2016, formula 11057/A

old and new box (since 2016)


J'adore EdT (2002)
 - since year 2014: formula 10044/A

J'adore EdT , since 2014: formula 10044/A

J'adore L'Absolu (2007)
- since year 2012: formula 08716/A

J'adore L'Or Essence de Parfum (2012)
- year 2012: formula 08842/A

J'adore Voile de Parfum (2013)
- year 2013: formula 07354/A


(before 2008: "Christian Dior" inside a purple oval;
after 2008, "Dior" in a golden oval)

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